Super Heroes,

Starting May 10, we will be posting regular Wednesday Updates in our humble little blog as we work towards holding our fantastic fall fundraiser- “A Merry Marvel Movie Matinee at the Fabulous Folly Theater”– which is being held on Saturday, September 16.

This awesome autumnal event is being held to help raise funds and increase awareness for Super Heroes for Doa’a and Children’s Mercy Hospital. And we are working dilligently to make this September soiree into the event of the season!

These weekly Wednesday Updates will provide info on how the “Vote Marvel” campaign is going, where people living in the Kansas City metro are being provided with the opportunity to determine what Marvel movie will be shown at our sensational September benefit event (more on this exciting election campaign soon, and often!).

And these Wednesday Updates will also announce who the winners are in the prize drawings that we will be holding weekly throughout the “Vote Marvel” campaign to held bring the excitement factor for our fantastic fall festivities up to an eleven!

For more info about what we are putting together to help benefit our Doa’a and Children’s Mercy Hospital, and how you can help us out, please click here to visit our Marvel Movie KC page!

Thank you very much for all that you do to help out Doa’a (and Children’s Mercy Hospital). It means a lot to me, and to Doa’a and to her family!

Until real soon, super heroes! I hope that you all have a super heroic day!


aka “Cowtown Joe”, Program Director

Super Heroes for Doa’a

About Super Heroes for Doa’a

Joe Hoffman (aka “Cowtown Joe”) began the Super Heroes for Doa’a (a charitable program that was inspired by Joe’s love for Marvel team comics like the X-Men and the Avengers) to help bring Doa’a Al-Dalou, a young lady living in the Gaza Strip of Palestine, back to Kansas City so that she can receive some more medical treatment.
Joe previously had the honor of helping Elizabeth Alex (then a news anchor for KSHB 41 News) bring Doa’a (who at the time was a small child, not yet two years old) to Kansas City so that she could receive some much needed medical care while he was working for (at the time) US Representative Dennis Moore (KS-03).

For more information on how Joe was able to help out Doa’a in the past, and how he is working to assist her now in the present, please visit!

Super Heroes for Doa’a is a program of
Joe’s Cowtown Foundation, a 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Not-For-Profit (EIN 92-1331821). All donations made to our organization are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

Thanks Planet Comicon KC and Planet Anime KC!!!

For helping promote our fantastic fall fundraiser, and for your great friendship! It is truly an honor to receive your assistance, and to be able to work with you wonderful people! I’m definitely looking forward to attending your next amazing Con!

-“Cowtown” Joe, Program Director of Super Heroes for Doa’a, and a major fan of Planet Comicon KC and Planet Anime KC

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